
Born in British Columbia, Canada and raised in Ontario and Japan, I’m a Nova Scotian writer by ancestry and choice. It was love at first sight as my young family drove into Halifax years ago, for I could see the harbour in the distance, and know that once again, I would be living in a port city, close to beaches, inlets, hills and mountains–something I had missed very much after returning home to Canada from Japan.

Growing up in Japan between the ages of eight and eighteen meant that by the time my family returned to Canada, I’d spent my formative years–half my life–immersed in a second culture. This is why, like many others who share a similar background, I occasionally self-identify as an adult “third culture TCK diagramkid” (TCK) or adult “cross-cultural-kid” (CCK.) For my take on what these sociological terms have meant to me personally, click here or on the TCK menu tab above. Years ago, a Google search for “third culture kid” yielded very few results; today, the same search provided me with millions of hits. It’s no wonder many TCKs of all ages hope to meet fictional characters who reflect their unique experiences in the books they read, for they share the same longing to be understood as children and young adults from other diverse backgrounds.

In summing up my interests, I would describe myself as a writer, gardener, reader, amateur photographer, adult Third Culture Kid, former secondary school teacher in the Caribbean (Canadian University Services Overseas), and retired library employee (Saint Mary’s University.)  My choice of reading is driven by curiosity about a wide range of subjects, and often involves researching specific topics related to a current writing project.

After teaching myself how to create a website with WordPress.com, the blog prompts and photo challenges posted by its team–like training wheels on a bicycle–encouraged me to move forward with my writing practice.

The Wonder of Words

Although authors–both past and present–are quoted frequently for the insights they’ve provided on the craft of writing, I selected the following advice for its simple statement of fact. In 1775 Boswell noted that “The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading…” Had he been alive today, he might have added, “and performing research on the Internet”. I hope you’ll take the time to surf my website and sample a few of my archived posts. If you like what you see, don’t be shy about adding comments! Thanks for visiting!

2 Responses to About

  1. Anonymous says:

    I enjoyed reading this Blog/post. I am out of my depth here as I haven’t yet waded into this world. I loved learning about your TCK experiences. Lovely narrative.


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